Frequently Asked Question
OpenVPN Client Installation & Setup (v2, Windows)
Last Updated 3 years ago
Preliminary Steps
Download the latest version of the OpenVPN Community Client installer from Choose the version that matches your version of Windows, or "Windows 64-bit MSI installer" if you're not sure.
You should now have the three things needed to get OpenVPN installed and setup:
- The OpenVPN Community Client installer
- Your OpenVPN Config file (.ovpn extension)
- Your VPN username and password
Client Installation Instructions
- Double click the downloaded .exe file to start the installation.
- Click “Next” and “I Agree”.
- On the “Choose Components” screen, ensure the following options are checked:
- OpenVPN User-Space Components
- OpenVPN Service
- TAP Virtual Ethernet Adapter
- User the Advanced section:
- OpenVPN File Associations
- Add Shortcuts to Start Menu
- Still on the “Choose Components” screen, under the Advanced section, uncheck “Launch OpenVPN GUI on User Logon”. By unchecking this option, you will able to start the OpenVPN Client manually, only when you need to connect to the VPN.
- Click “Next” and “Install” to proceed with the installation.
- Once the installation completes, click “Next”, then uncheck “Show Readme” and click “Finish”.
Client Setup Instructions
Now that the Client has been installed, it needs to be configured to connect to your VPN server.
- Find the “OpenVPN GUI” program in the Start menu and click on it. You should see this message:
- Click OK. In your taskbar’s system tray area, you should now have an OpenVPN icon, as shown below. You may need to click the vertical arrow icon to expand the view.
- Right click on the OpenVPN icon and choose “Import File”.
- In the file browser window, locate and open your OpenVPN config .ovpn file. You should see a message saying “File imported successfully.” Click OK.
- Your OpenVPN Client has now been configured and is ready for use!