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Update your saved drive mapping password
Dernière mise à jour il y a 4 ans

If you have changed the password on your NAS or file server, you may need to update the password that Windows has saved.

1. Open the Control Panel: click on the Start menu button and start typing "Control Panel", then click on Control Panel when the app icon appears:


2. In the Control Panel, click on the green "User Accounts" link
Note: if you don't see the User Accounts link, you might be in the "icon" view. You can skip ahead to step 3.

3. Click "Credential Manager"

4. Click "Windows Credentials"

5. Under the Windows Credentials heading, you should see the name of your NAS or server. Click the small downwards pointing arrow to the right of your NAS' name.

6. You should now see more details about the saved credentials - confirm that the username matches the username you use for your NAS/server, then click "Edit". In this example, the name of the NAS is "Kasun-Storage".


7. Enter your new password, then click Save.


8. After saving, restart your computer - your mapped drives should be reconnected with the new password when you log in.

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