Frequently Asked Question

How to create a new user account
最后更新 4 年前

If you would like to create a new user account yourself, follow the instructions below. If you need help with the process, or would like Kasun to create a new account for you, please Open a Ticket.

Before starting this process, please locate your administrator account credentials. The account that you use on a daily basis should not have administrative privileges, in accordance with security best practices. You can find the username and password for the administrator account in the "Configuration Details" document provided when your NAS was first set up. If you are having trouble locating the login information or Configuration Details document, submit a ticket and we can provide or reset the password.

1. First, log in to the DSM web interface of your NAS using the administrator account.

2. Click the application menu icon at the top left of the screen, then click "Control Panel".

3. In the Control Panel, click the "User" icon.

4. Click "Create" at the top of the list of users.

5. Fill in the user information. As shown below, the "Name" field is the new username, and we suggest using Description for the user's full name. We also recommend that you set a temporary password and allow the new user to sign in to the account and set their own password as soon as possible.

You can optionally choose to have the system send a notification email to the user that their new account has been created.

When all the data has been entered, click "Next".

6. The next screen will ask you to select the Groups that the new user will be added to. Groups are used to assign access to specific folders and are unique to each NAS, so please refer to your Configuration Details document to determine which groups will provide access to the necessary Shared Folders. All users must be a member of the "users" group. Click "Next" when finished.

7. The next screen will show a summary of the access granted to each shared folder for the new user. Please confirm that "Preview" and "Group Permissions" columns indicate that the correct access has been granted. If necessary, you can go back to the previous step and change the group membership as needed.

You can also use the "No Access", "Read/Write" and "Read only" check boxes to override the group permissions, if needed. However, we recommend avoiding these manual overrides when possible because it makes auditing and changing permissions in the future more difficult. Click "Next" when finished.

8. The next screen to appear is the Quota settings. Generally, Quotas are not used, or are applied automatically by the user's group membership. Click "Next".

9. You should see the Application Permissions settings. We recommend leaving the options set to their default values. Click "Next".

10. Finally, you will see the Speed Limit Settings. Once again, these settings can typically be left as their default values. Click "Next".

11. The last screen to appear is a summary of all the new user information, including lists of Shared Folders that the user has "read/write", "read only" or "no access" to. Please double check these settings and click "Apply" to finish!

The new user account has now been configured, and should be ready to use! Please ensure to log out of the administrator account when you're done making changes.


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