Question fréquemment posée

Set Windows 10 Network Profile to Private
Dernière mise à jour il y a 5 ans

  1. Open the Windows 10 Settings app from the Start menu. (the gear shaped icon on the left, bottom side of the menu).
  2. Click “Network & Internet”
  3. If you are on a wireless connection, click “Wi-Fi” from the list of options on the left, or “Ethernet” if you’re using a wired connection.
  4. If using Wi-Fi, click the wireless network name you’re connected to (it should have a radio wave icon to the left of it and say “Connected” below), or if on Ethernet, click the icon of the wired connection (the name here may be “Local Area Connection”, “Ethernet 1”, etc. and should say “Connected” below).
  5. You should now see two radio buttons, “Public” and “Private”. Select “Private” and close the Settings window.

Your network profile has now been set to Private, and you should be able to communicate with devices on your local network, like a NAS, shared printer, etc.

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