How to a recover a file from the Active Backup for Business Portal
Last Updated 4 years ago
Active Backup for Business (ABB) is the Synology backup solution for backing up files stored locally on PCs to your Synology NAS. ABB can be used to recover deleted files or older versions of files. You can use the Active Backup for Business Portal, available through the Synology DSM web interface to restore files and folders from your computer.
If you need assistance with restoring data, please open a ticket.
1. Open the Synology DSM web interface and click the menu at the top left 2. Click the Active Backup for Business Portal icon. The Portal will open in a new tab. 3. At the top right of the ABB Portal webpage, there is an option to select the backup "Task". Click on the menu and select the task that matches the computer and user that would like to recover files from.
4. On the left side of the portal, click on the "Disk" and "Volume" from which you would like to recover files. Each disk/volume corresponds to a hard disk volume on your computer, C:\, D:\, etc. Typically, Disk 0 will be the C:\ drive, where your personal data is located.
5. Using the timeline at the bottom of the screen, select the date and time from which you would like to browse and restore files. 6. You can now browse through the files and folders in the Backup. If you would like to restore a file from Documents, Desktop, etc., double click on the "Users" folder, then double click on the username you use to login to your PC.
7. Browse through the files and folders to locate the file you want to recover.
8. When you have found the file you would like to restore, click on the file, then click "Download" or "Restore" from the options near the top of the screen. Download will download the file through your web browser, Restore will replace the current version of the file with the selected version from the backup, if a newer version exists. We recommend downloading the file instead of using Restore, if possible. 9. If you chose restore, the ABB Portal will prompt you to confirm that you would like to Restore a file and potentially overwrite any newer versions.
10. After a few seconds, your selected file will be Restored or Downloaded.